Posts by tag: technology

What do you think of technology in schools?
Education Technology

What do you think of technology in schools?

Well, folks, it's time to get techy! I'm like a kid in a digital candy store when it comes to technology in schools. It's the cherry on top of the education sundae, making learning as exciting as a roller coaster ride! But, remember, just like too much candy can cause a toothache, too much tech without proper guidance can be a bit of a headache. So, let's balance the scales, turn the classrooms into high-tech wonderlands, but always keep the human touch, because, as we all know, there ain't no app for that!


Is there a difference between 'technology' and 'internet'?
Technology vs Internet

Is there a difference between 'technology' and 'internet'?

Technology and the internet are closely related, but they are not the same. Technology is a broad term to describe any kind of system which uses machines and processes to accomplish tasks. The internet, on the other hand, is a specific type of technology: a global network of computers that people use to share information and resources. Technology can exist without the internet, but the internet is dependent on technology. Technology is the foundation on which the internet is built. It is the hardware, software, and protocols that make the internet possible. In short, technology is the means, and the internet is the end.